Saturday, February 19, 2011

Opening nights, rain and belly dancing

Two very eventful days at the Fringe! No rain nor foul weather could dampen our spirits as we set off eager to see some fellow Fringers' work in motion and to experience Adelaide first hand. Last night while outside it was wet and muggy, we ventured within the Tuxedo Cat - which, I think, we were all arrested by the potential of this performance venue. There's something incredibly intoxicating about walking into the faded beauty of a building and seeing it simultaneously as something decrepit and alive... and I hadn't even stepped into a show yet.

We had the privilege of viewing Skin House, which was a tightly wrought piece well worth seeing. There were some incredibly beautiful moments, lovely performances and a very attractive and yet concise design. I walked out thoroughly vested in the power of art - I felt genuinely cleansed, which some might think a little odd given a lot of the subject matter deals with the sex industry. While intensely personal, the show demystified and opened up an industry that people often seem to think they know a lot about, but probably are filled with curiosity and questions - and it does it with such honesty, but a touching humor too.

We then went on to opening night tonight, and despite a few things that had to be reexamined for the space, I felt there was new heights of control and some new discoveries within the show. Again, I have been truly humbled by some of the reactions that we have received. Perhaps today even more so, when that feedback has come from those who have never met me before. I feel like we have set a good solid benchmark for the season and  things can only build from here - especially as our comfort levels settle back into a normal pattern and we can focus less on extraneous elements and back on the performance as a whole.

On a side note, I have seen more belly dancing today than I have over the past year. Which is such a treat. Particularly to note as we were not expecting a show during our meal, but an explosion of energy rattled through the establishment in the form of a group of very empowered women... and man, those women could hold their own I reckon in any environment.

Very ready for bed, but am exceptionally charged and prepared for the upcoming highlights and challenges of the next week. Bring it on Adelaide!


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