Friday, February 11, 2011

no blinding light - and we're off!

After months of rehearsing, a year writing and two and a half years grappling with it, no blinding light previewed last night to a full house in Melbourne. I was overwhelmed with the positive responses we've received in all areas of production, which is nice when you're working with a such a good group of people who have all taken ownership and responsibility for what has become quite a powerful piece of theatre.

What's been particularly eye opening, is that this personal story of loss seems to have taken other people on in its wake. Whether someone can relate directly to the transience of online relationships, or the more general sense of loss, more and more responses have come back to me of the tune 'that's like the time when...' That's been something I totally didn't plan on. I'd wanted to tell a story that I felt I had no other way of telling - I met a woman online, we formed an incredibly close but difficult friendship and then she passed away. And unlike any 'normal' grieving process I found that I didn't have any way of expressing what I was going through. So I started writing. But, as far as the artistic thought process went; I wanted to tell a story and had been completely unaware that others would respond so strongly to the material. This first started with Kara and Adrian, who've taken this project to places I could have never foreseen... they've pulled themselves into this work and it now has become a portrayal in which all three of us and our thoughts are enmeshed.

I think my favourite comment from last night was to say that it gave a clear account of someone struggling to contain their emotions. Whether the linear story was understood or not, it washed through with clarity and was incredibly calming. I think this is due to Kara's direction - finding further depth or an unexpected journey in a piece of text - and a great deal to Adrian's music which feeds me, the story and the audience with incredible textural density... As a writer and performer I'm incredibly blessed by this team.

We're on again in Melbourne tonight and then, it's off to Adelaide... A week 'til opening night!


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